SEO Factors

Local SEO

Citations Number

A JSON containing all the citations found of the given website around the search engines. On the link key is described each URL that makes citation to the website. If any citation is found, then return zero, else if the crawler could not found any reference to the respective website then returns null.

Google My Business Rating Score

A Double containing the Google Maps location score of the respective website real place location. If any rating was done or the rating was not found, then return zero.

Google My Business Reviews Number

An Integer containing the Website real location reviews number on Google Maps website. If any reviews was done or not found, then returns zero.


A Boolean that returns true if the website organization contains a NAP (Name, Address, Phone) reference on the web. If the NAP does not match, or at least one of the variables is not found, then returns false.

Bing Maps

A JSON which contains the Bing Maps results preview from the given website company. If the website has a real company location and it’s registered on Bing Maps, then get the preview results. If there is no Bing Maps search result for this company or the data could not be read, then returns null.

Registered to Google Maps

This JSON contains the basic data of the referring establishment on Google Maps linked by its website. Below have an example using the website and domain name as search principle in the GUI. The establishment, even having more than one location, it return the first result of it. If nothing is found, then returns null.


A JSON where contains a phone data array located inside the website’s html page. If any phone is found or the website content could not be load, then returns null.

Google My Business +1es Number

An Integer representing the number of shares that the referring website has on its Google Plus social page. If the website does not have a Google Plus page, or the page does not have any shares to count, then return zero.

Google Publishership

A String that returns if the website contains a Google Publishership URL, if has, return the content, else return null. The Google Publishership is the Google Plus social page.

Structured Data

A JSON containing all structure data that the respective website page uses. If the website page could not be read or there is not any structured data inside the HTML content, then returns null.

Off-Site SEO

Backlinks Anchors

A JSON containing data about each anchor text inside the website HTML page. Anchor text are basically the text which contains an embedded link, like the menu options located on website header. If the historical data about the anchors text could not be load, then return null.



Facebook Shares

An Integer containing all the facebook shares numbers that the given website contains. The shares are count based on when someone click the share button of some website or other related content and click on confirm. If the website does not contains any shares or the crawler could not determine the number, then return zero.

Facebook Page

A JSON containing all the facebook page data found for the given website. The facebook page is found inside the respective website. If any facebook page is found, or if found, the link is returning error, then returns null.

Google Page

A JSON containing the Google Plus social page data found on the given website. The Google Plus page, to be found, needs to be implemented inside the website HTML page. If any Google Plus page was found or the crawler could not open the same, then returns null.

Google Plus shares

An Integer containing the Google Plus total shares that the respective website URL contains. If the website does not contains a google page, or any shares on this social page or the estimated number could not be calculated, then returns zero.


A JSON containing the given website instagram page data found. If any instagram page is found on the website, or the page could not be load or read, then returns only the page found or null.

Linkedin shares

An Integer which contains the number of shares that the website has on Linkedin social page. The shares are calculated based on the Shares click button. If the website does not have a Linkedin page, or does not have any shares or the shares number could not be calculated, then returns null.

Pinterest images

An Integer containing the number of shares that the referring website has on Pinterest. If the website does not have a Pinterest social page or there is not any shares (which can be described as the number of shares, clicking on the share button) to be count or the shares number could not be count, then returns zero.

Twitter recent backlinks

A Integer that returns the total numbers of shares that the respective website has on Twitter social page. If the website does not have a twitter page or the page does not have any shares or the shares could not be count, then returns zero.

Twitter Page

A JSON containing the Twitter page data found of the referring website. If the website does not contains a Twitter page, or the page could not be found or load, then returns or only the social page found or null.

On-Site SEO

Blog Page

A String which contains the blog page found on the given website. If a blog page is not found or the website content could not be read, then returns null.

Conversion Forms

A Boolean to check if given website contains a conversion form or not. If any conversion form is found or the website content could not be load, then return zero.

Duplicate Content

A JSON containing an array data with all the duplicate content found of the given website around the world wide web. The duplicate content is when a website get your text content to use on his website. If any duplicate content is found, then returns null.


An data array containing all the emails found on the given website. If any email is found or the website content could not be load, then returns null.

Favicon Image

A String containing the favicon URL found of the given website. If any favicon is found or the website content could not be load, then returns null.


A Boolean which determines if the given website page URL uses flash technology or not. If any flash technology is found or if the website page URL could not be checked, then returns false (zero).


A Boolean which determines if the website page URL uses frame technology or not. If the website page does not have any frame technology or the website content could not be read, then returns false (zero).


A String containing an image URL which represents the Logo found inside the website HTML. If any Logo was found or the website content could not be load, then returns null.

In-Page Links

A JSON containing all the links detailed description inside the given website page. There are detailed results if each link found is a internal or external page and if is follow or nofollow. If the page HTML could not be read, then returns null.

Text/HTML ratio

A Float that contains the ratio between the website text and HTML page content, this is important because the many words your page has, the more the search engines will valorize. If the title or the description is not found, then returns null.


A String which contain the doctype found on the given website. If any Doctype was found or the website content could not be load, then returns null.


A JSON containing data about the headings inside the referring html page. It contains the total of headings present, the count of each heading from h1 to h6 and the text inside each heading. If there’s no heading or the website content could not be load then return zero.

Alternative Text for Images

A JSON with the number of images which does not have the alternative tag implemented on the given website HTML tag. If any image was found or all the images have fulfilled with the alternative tag or the website content could not be load, then returns null.

Page Load Time

No description avaiable...

Meta description

A String which contains the website page description found on meta HTML tag. If any meta description is found or the attribute is empty or the website content could not be load, then returns null.

Meta Keywords

A String which contains the website page keywords found on meta HTML tag. If any meta keywords is found or the attribute is empty or the website content could not be load, then returns null.

Printer Friendly CSS

A Boolean which represents if the website page has a printer friendly system configured on its CSS code. If the page could not be read or there is any printer friendly code configured, then returns false.

Google Authorship

A String that returns if the website HTML page has a Google Authorship configured. If the website could not be read or there is any Authorship configured, then returns null.

Google Canonical URL

A JSON telling if the Google Canonical URLs which the referring website has is a relative or an absolute link. If the website does not have any Google Canonical URL, then returns null.


A String that contains a data image that represents the respective website screenshot page. If the website content could not be load, or the page is invalid or the crawler could not generate the image properly due to external problems, then returns null.


A String containing the website page title found. If any title was found, or the website content could not be read or the title content is empty, then return null.


A String that return the referring website URL.

URL Protocol

A Boolean that check if the referring website uses the HTTPS protocol or not. If the URL does not contains a HTTPS protocol, then return false.

URL Underscore

A JSON containing all links inside the website page which has an underscore on it. If the website page could not be load or read or if the page does not contains any URL with underscore on it, then returns null.

Google Adsense

A String containing Google Adsense technology found on the given website. If any Google adsense code is found or the website content could not be load, then returns null.


A JSON containing basic data of the Analytics technologies found on the given website. If the respective technology contains a code, then it will be return on the JSON. If any technology is found or the website content could not be read, then returns null.

Page Crawlable Stats

A JSON containing data about all the robots technology found on the given website page. Please note that each robot can be configured differently, like on the example below which is configured to crawl all the page. If any robots crawler was found or the website content could not be load, then returns null.

Google Preview

A JSON containing data to build a Google search result preview of the specified website page, based on the Google search system. If meta description tag is not found then this key get additional information from the report website, else return null.

HTML validity

A JSON containing warnings, fails and information of the referring html URL page on w3c markup validator. If there’s no warnings or errors or information or the website could not be checked, then return zero in each key exception the “url” key.


A String which contains the page language setted on the respective website HTML page. If any language was declared or it’s invalid or unknown or the website content could not be load, then returns null.


A JSON containing basic data about the robots.txt page found on the website. If website does not have a Robots page or the robots is invalid or could not be read, then returns null.

XML SiteMap

A JSON which says if the website contains a sitemap and what they are. If any sitemap is found or the website content could not be read, then returns null or with the status key referred to false meaning that there is any sitemap.


A String that return the encoding type that the website is using on its referring HTML page. If the encoding type was not found, or the encoding is unknown or the crawler could not read the content, then returns null.

WWW resolve

A Boolean which checks if the other URL alternatives to access the final website URL is redirecting not. An example is if when is write on browser “” or “” then is redirecting to “”, which is the final URL, this avoid duplicate. If these URLs is not redirecting or these could not be read, then returns false.


Security HTTP

A JSON which checks the HTTP website security like cookies, xss protection and so on. If the website HTTP could not be checked then returns nul

Server Info

IP Address

A JSON containing basic data if the given website IP address is canonized or not. If the address IP could not be found, then returns null.


A JSON where contains various data about the server location of a given website. If the server location is not found, then returns null.

SSL Certificate

A JSON containing data about the website SSL certificate in use. Each SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) can be related to an organization or not. If the SSL is certified, then the “return_error” key will return OK, otherwise will return a code explaining what type of error was, like that the certificate expired. If the SSL cannot be check or the website don’t have one, then return null.


An Arraylist containing the technologies that the referring website uses. If the website content could not be read or the website is invalid, then returns null.

Site Performance

Accelerated Mobile Pages

A Boolean which checks if the website content page to check is using the Accelerated Mobiles Pages (AMP) technology or not. If the website page does not have any AMP technology or the website content could not be read, then returns false (zero).

Speed Score

A JSON containing the speed analysis data from the website page based on its components (images, scripts, stylesheets, etc.) . The factor size get information of these components, whether it was gzipped, Expires header and so on. At the end the factor takes all the data about the actual page and generates a grade for each check, which produces the overall grade. If the website could not be loaded or the crawler could not generate the process due to external reasons, then returns null.

Alexa Global Rank

A JSON where contains a phone data array located inside the website’s html page. If any phone is found or the website content could not be load, then returns null.A JSON where contains the Website URL page Alexa rank data. There are information about the website actual worldwide rank, delta worldwide position and actual country rank.


Custom 404 Page

A Boolean which determines if the given website contains a custom 404 page or not. If the website does not contains a configured error page then returns false (zero).

Mobile Usability

A JSON containing complex data about the mobile usability of the referring website. It checks for inappropriate font text size, if the website uses viewport scale, if the viewport contains errors/warning/information, check if the buttons are easy to be tapped and if contains any inappropriate technology inside, like flash. This is all relevant factors to check if the website mobile usability is good or not. If the website content could not be read, or the crawler could not read the content appropriately due to external factors, then returns null.


A JSON containing complex data about the website page responsive web design factor on each specific screen size, browser, device and operating system. An analysis is done and checked if, on each device, the website page is responsive or not. If the page could not be load or the page is invalid or the crawler could not read properly the content inside, then returns null.