Usability - MOBILE-CHECK Factor

A JSON containing complex data about the mobile usability of the referring website. It checks for inappropriate font text size, if the website uses viewport scale, if the viewport contains errors/warning/information, check if the buttons are easy to be tapped and if contains any inappropriate technology inside, like flash. This is all relevant factors to check if the website mobile usability is good or not. If the website content could not be read, or the crawler could not read the content appropriately due to external factors, then returns null.

font_sizesObjectA Map containing all the results evaluation about the website page font sizes on its mobile format.
error_contentObjectAn Arraylist containing a Map with all invalid content inside the website page on its mobile format.
sizeDoubleThe invalid text size found on the website page mobile format.
textStringThe invalid text found on the website page mobile format.
resultsObjectA Map containing all the statistic results about each verification on mobile usability factor like the total of buttons found, total of inappropriate buttons and the final verdict if the page buttons overall is easy to be tapped.
errorsDoubleNumber of errors found on the specific mobile usability test.
readableDoubleFinal check on font sizes test if the website page mobile content is easy to be read or not.
totalDoubleTotal of buttons or text content found on website page mobile format.
meta_viewportObjectA Map containing all the results evaluation about the website page meta viewport content on its mobile format.
viewportBooleanIf the website contains a viewport or not inside its website page mobile format.
length_totalDoubleNumber of viewport declaration founds inside the referring website HTML page.
messagesObjectAn Arraylist of Double that check what kind of errors, warnings or information the referring website page viewport has. The returns can be: 1 - users are prevented to zoom in or zoom out 2 - no viewport declared 3 - content viewport missed 4 - hardcoded viewport width 5 - minimum or/and maximum zoom control declared 6 - several viewports declared
meta_parserObjectAn Arraylist which contains a Map with viewport valid or/and unknown properties and invalid values.
valid_propertiesObjectAll the recognizable properties available in the website’s viewport.
initial-scaleDoubleThe initial-scale property controls the zoom level when the page is first loaded.
maximum-scaleDoubleControl how users are allowed to zoom the page in or out.
user-scalableStringIt prevents the user from using the browser's zoom.
unknown_propertiesObjectAll the unknown properties found in the website’s viewport.
invalid_valuesObjectInvalid values found inside the viewport properties.
rendering_dataObjectViewport properties data rendered on browser.
zoomDoubleThe initial browser zoom value.
user_zoomStringControls whether or not the user should be able to change the zoom factor of a document defined by viewport.
mobile_compatibilityObjectA Map containing all the results evaluation about if the website page is free of technologies that can harm you mobile experience.
compatibleBooleanReturn if the website page on its mobile format is free of technologies that can harm the website mobile experience.
flashBooleanIf the website page on its mobile format uses flash technology or not.
java_pluginBooleanIf the website page on its mobile format uses java plugin technology or not.
silverlightBooleanIf the website page on its mobile format uses silverlight technology or not.
touchscreen_targetObjectA Map containing all the results evaluation about the website page buttons on its mobile format. It checks what buttons are not easy to be tapped and return a final verdict overall about all buttons found.
heightDoubleThe invalid button height found on the website page content.
tagStringThe invalid button HTML tag found on the website page content.
widthDoubleThe invalid button width found on the website page content.
touchableDoubleFinal results for the touchscreen button tap test that return if the website page mobile buttons is easy to be tapped or not.