Server - SSL-CHECK Factor

A JSON containing data about the website SSL certificate in use. Each SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) can be related to an organization or not. If the SSL is certified, then the “return_error” key will return OK, otherwise will return a code explaining what type of error was, like that the certificate expired. If the SSL cannot be check or the website don’t have one, then return null.

contryStringWebsite SSL certificate country location origin.
return_errorStringReturn message if the SSL certificate was read with success or if return a error, warning or information.
protocolStringThe security protocol which the SSL is using.
localityStringWebsite SSL certificate city origin.
key_strengthStringHow many bits the SSL certificate server key is using.
stateStringWebsite SSL certificate state location origin.
common_nameStringThe common website URL structure to be identified and used by the SSL, normally is the website name plus the TLD.
return_codeStringAfter found a SSL certificate, return a code that can represent that the certificate is valid (zero), otherwise will return another digit which each of it represent a different behavior.
urlStringThe website url which is using the found SSL certificate.
organizational_unitStringThe department name of the SSL certificate owner company.
issuer_nameStringThe exact SSL certificate name which is used to be identified, normally is a company.